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The WV State Amateur Radio Council-Amateur of The Year for 2024

Todd White, K8SKD

Award presented by CWVWA President, Ed Messenger, N8OYY

Current Solar Data

Calling All Hams!

The Central West Virginia Wireless Association is an amateur radio club located in central West Virginia. We have a diverse club from new hams to hams that have been licensed for more than 30 years. We have Contest operators, dx’ers. public service focused operators, casual operators with modest radio setups, and die hard operators with the latest state of the art equipment and top-notch performing antennas. Everyone is welcome! We have our monthly meetings on the second Saturday of every month at 9:00 am at F.O.P. restaurant which is located at 422 Buckhannon Pike Nutter Fort , WV 26301.  Our club operates 2 VHF repeaters both are Yaesu Fusion digital repeaters. The first repeater is located just west of Clarksburg and is on frequency 147.165 with a pl tone of  91.5. This repeater can be used analog or digital. The second repeater is located in Clarksburg and in on frequency 147.210 with a pl tone of 91.5 this repeater is dedicated to WIRES-X. 

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News and Reminders

Upcoming 2025 Club Meetings: April 12, May 10, June 14, July 12, August 9, September 13, October 11, November 8, December 13.

The ARRL VE Test Session will be held at the CWVWA Club House at 7pm. on Thursday, March 27th, 2025
We will resume “in person” CW practice, 5:00 pm every Thursday evening at the CWVWA Clubhouse,
633 West Pike St. in Clarksburg.

If you are interested in learning Morse Code,
come out and join in!
Very low pressure, all different skill levels,
progress at your own pace.
We will be using the V-Band device on
Ham Radio Solutions website.

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